Biometric CaptureFinger, Face, Iris

ID – Capture can provide full Biometric and Demographic Capture for Civil. Military & Police. We will match a suitable hardware configuration (handheld, tablet, registration kit or livescan) to provide a worklow to suit your requirements. Whether it is for elections, national ID card, Police / Military Booking we can provide a fit for purpose solution.

Police Digital LineupsSuspect in Custody Lineups

Lineups of any size desired may be created using images located in any of the agency’s databases or may be imported from an outside location such as an agency computer network or the hard drive of the detective creating the lineup. Lineup’s can be created in minutes and may be shown on a pc monitor or from a laptop/tablet/smartphone. In addition, lineups may be created using SMT images


Offer the ability for staff to manage multiple photos (mugshots) of people that have gone through the booking process. The solution allows your agency to manage other relevant photos of the person such as scars, marks, tattoos, footwear etc.You can also select the number of photos to include in the mugbook
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Thousands of police agencies worldwide -- including the CIA, FBI and the US Military -- use FACES, the breakthrough facial composite software. Endorsed by crime fighting agencies and supported by police as a proven, effective tool, various versions of FACES have been used successfully for more than 12 years to identify, track and apprehend criminal suspects.
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Offer the ability for staff to manage multiple photos (mugshots) of people that have gone through the booking process. The solution allows your agency to manage other relevant photos of the person such as scars, marks, tattoos, footwear etc.You can also select the number of photos to include in the mugbook
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