EF-45nc Iris Recognition System


Innovative face-display positioning provides outstanding
ease-of-use at capture range of 32 to 45 cm

The EF-45Nc next-generation iris recognition system provides unprecedented subject ease of use through a highly innovative and intuitive user positioning approach.

Subjects will view their own face in a front-facing, high resolution 5.0 inch color display to position themselves correctly within the
real-time graphic interface.

They will intuitively and naturally move to the correct position by simply centering and sizing their face image to the box within the display.

In addition, the positioning box and the top border turn green to indicate proper distance positioning, after which the iris biometrics images are automatically collected, provided that the real-time image quality metrics are satisfied. Vocalized commands give additional positioning guidance in real-time.


Sales Price (1 – 10 units): $1157
Sales Price (11 – 50 units): $1070
Sales Price (51 – 200 units): $1041
Sales Price (201 – 500 units): $1012
Sales Price (501 – 1000 units): $983
Sales Price (1001 or more): $926
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EF-45Nc Iris Recognition System

The EF-45Nc next generation iris recognition system provides unprecedented subject ease of use through a highly innovative and intuitive user positioning approach.




Innovative face-display positioning provides outstanding
ease-of-use at capture range of 32 to 45 cm

The EF-45Nc next-generation iris recognition system provides unprecedented subject ease of use through a highly innovative and intuitive user positioning approach.

Subjects will view their own face in a front-facing, high resolution 5.0 inch color display to position themselves correctly within the
real-time graphic interface.

They will intuitively and naturally move to the correct position by simply centering and sizing their face image to the box within the display.

In addition, the positioning box and the top border turn green to indicate proper distance positioning, after which the iris biometrics images are automatically collected, provided that the real-time image quality metrics are satisfied. Vocalized commands give additional positioning guidance in real-time.

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